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LatestVersion :

Svelte Version of GBS Building Block. This Documentation describes how to install and use @grampro/svelte-block component library.


svelte 4 Will Deprecate Soon

      npm i @grampro/svelte-block
svelte 5(Beta Channel)
    npm i @grampro/svelte5-block
NB: Though Svelte 5 version is under beta, We recommend using it instead of svelte 4 version.

Additional Installation Steps.

@grampro/svelte-block is heavily relies on tailwind for styling, so you need to setup tailwind in your project. Installation for svelte tailwind can be found in Here.

or simply install the bootstrapped project(recommended) with

    npx create-svelte-gbs-app@latest your_project_name

In case of manual installation of tailwindcss you need to update your tailwind.config.js as follows

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}', './node_modules/@grampro/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}'],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

NPM Registry

npm registry for the package can be found here

For bugs, features, Contribute and code visit Github Repo

Known Bugs

  • Type Error when installing on projects uses typescript:
    • Temporary Fix for this issue is closing the vs code(in case of vs code) and open the project again. (Status: In Progress)