
This Part of Documentation features experimental components(Even though most of the components are experimental đŸ˜˜).

Experimental Components usually found with beta realease of the package. So check if any beta releases available with experimentals and feel free to play around.



Carousal can be used to slide through multiple elements and images

Image Courtsey Sony


<script lang="ts">import Carousal from "@grampro/svelte-block/Carousal.svelte";
	<Carousal perPage={1} autoplay={3000}>
		<div class="w-full flex rounded-lg h-auto md:h-50 px-2">
				class="w-full object-cover rounded-lg"
		<div class="w-full flex rounded-lg h-auto md:h-50 px-2">
				class="w-full object-cover rounded-lg"


Property Type Default Description
perPage Number 1 Number of slides to show per page.
loop Boolean true If true, the carousel will loop back to the beginning after the last slide.
autoplay Number 0 Time in milliseconds for automatic slide transition. 0 means no autoplay.
duration Number 200 Duration of the slide transition in milliseconds.
easing String ‘ease-out’ Easing function for the slide transition.
startIndex Number 0 Index of the initial slide to display.
draggable Boolean true If true, the slides can be dragged to change slides.
multipleDrag Boolean true If true, allows multiple slides to be dragged at once.
threshold Number 20 Threshold in pixels to trigger a slide change when dragging.
rtl Boolean false If true, the carousel will display in right-to-left mode.
dots Boolean false If true, navigation dots will be displayed for the carousel.


Why limited to visual aesthetics when you can let your users hear the changes as well? MakeSound can make some noise in your UI.

Use Keys 1 for Kick, 2 for snare, 3 for Cymbal and 4 for perc


<script lang="ts">import { MakeSound } from "@grampro/svelte-block/makesound";
import Button from "@grampro/svelte-block/Button.svelte";
const playClickSound = MakeSound("/sounds/click.mp3");

<Button on:click={playClickSound}>Click to Make Sound</Button>